Fall 2008: Research Interaction Team (RIT)

Organizers: Doron Levy and Wolfgang Losert

Scope & Research Focus: In this RIT we will introduce problems in cancer research.  Specialists from the National Cancer Institute will give invited talks to present their research areas.  In the rest of the time we will discuss the role of mathematical, physical, and computational sciences in addressing such problems.

Credit: Students at take 1 credit by attending this RIT, studying and presenting a paper on a topic agreed on with one of the organizers.  

Meetings: Wednesdays 4-5pm (unless otherwise noted).

ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: September 10, 2008.  4pm.  CSIC-4122.

Confirmed Speakers: David Levens (head of the laboratory of pathology, center for cancer research), Petr Kalab, Jim McNally (director, fluorescence imaging facility, NCI).  

Full schedule: see the Colloquium webpage.

Room: Most of the Activities will be held in CSCAMM's seminar room which is in the CSIC building (#406), room 4122.

To get to CSCAMM, see the visitor's information.
Information about the A/V facilities is provided in the following link.

 For more details contact Doron Levy